2017 Trial Victories
The Law offices of Michael Zarrella is pleased to announce his THIRD Superior Court Not Guilty verdict of 2017. Attorney Zarrella's client was found Not Guilty in Washington County Superior Court of the charge of Felony Assault.
This has been a very success 2017 year for criminal defense attorney, Michael Zarrella. Attorney Zarrella has had four superior court cases proceed to trial this year with 3 Not Guilty verdicts and one case reduced to a misdemeanor after the alleged victim finished her cross-examination.
March 2017
Client was charged with ADW with a car. A jury trial proceeded in Providence County Superior Court. The State argued that the defendant was chasing the alleged victim with his car throughout the City of Woonsocket. It was further argued that the defendant rammed his car into her car. A jury trial commenced on March 1, 2017 in front of the Honorable Justice Rodgers. After a two day trial, the Jury came back with the verdict of NOT GUILTY.
March 2017
The client was charged with the crime of first degree sexual assault. Attorney Zarrella, teaming up with Attorney Kara Hoopis, proceeded to a jury trial in front of the Honorable Justice Montalbano. The jury trial commenced on March 1, 2017. After the cross-examination by the defense of the alleged victim, the State reduced the charges from 1st Degree Sexual Assault to misdemeanor simple assault.
June 2017
The client was charged with second degree child abuse. The State alleged that the client assaulted a minor child causing injury. A trial proceeded in Kent County Superior Court in front of the Honorable Justice Stern. After a jury trial, the defendant was found NOT GUILTY on all charges.
October 2017
The client was charged with one count of felony assault. The State claimed that the defendant assaulted the alleged victim causing serious bodily injury to the alleged victim's eye. A non-jury trial commenced in Washington County Superior Court, before the Honorable Justice Thunberg. After a full trial, the defendant was found NOT GUILTY.
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