Attorney Michael Zarrella is a top Rhode Island DUI lawyer
The North Kingstown police department traffic patrols are always looking for drunk drivers coming back from the clubs along the water, the beaches or from a day in Newport.
If you have been arrested for DUI, it is likely a very frightening and confusing time. Do not panic. The next step you should take is to hire a top DUI lawyer. You need to ensure yourself that you have the best chance of winning possible. Rhode Island DUI Attorney Michael Zarrella will fight for you. Attorney Zarrella has been winning DUI cases for over 20 years. He will fight to prevent you from receiving a DUI conviction. He will fight so you don't lose your driver's license. The results of a DUI arrest can be life altering. However, taking the correct steps in hiring a top DUI lawyer can mean all the difference in the world. A top DUI lawyer can often make sure your DUI case is dismissed or reduced to lesser charges. A top DUI lawyer can help you get a work license, so you don't lose your job. There are numerous defenses to driving under the influence charges.
So, if you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI, call North Kingstown DUI defense lawyer Michael Zarrella You will need to appear in court in just days after your arrest. Therefore, you need to hire a top DUI lawyer immediately.